Weekly Case

Title : Case 896

Age / Sex : 29 / M

C.C : headache, nausea, dysphasia

What is your diagnosis?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy : 이인숙 (In Sook Lee), 부산대병원 (Pusan National University Hospital)


hemangioblastomas at spinal cord and cerebellum or von Hippel-Lindau syndrome


Variable sized multiple enhancing nodules at cerebellum and spinal cord with extensive spinal cord edema

1. Yonsei Med J 2012;53(6): 1073-1080. Spinal cord hemangioblastomas in von Hippel-Lindau disease: Management of asymptomatic and symptomatic tumors
2. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2007;42:436-440. spinal cord hemangioblastoma: diagnosis and clinical outcome after surgical treatment
3. spinal cord 2009;47:447-452. Spinal cord hemangioblastomas in von Hippel-Lindau disease

Correct Answer
Total applicants 23 Correct answers 8
Name Institution
이규정 고려대학교 안암병원, 전문의
이진영 이대서울병원, 전문의
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고일권 전문의
박혜주 전문의
임현재 전문의
전인환 전문의
Semi-Correct Answer
Total applicants 23 Semi-Correct answers 7
김정아 전문의
여준범 전문의
윤정택 전공의
이진영 전문의
홍혁기 경북권역재활병원, 전문의
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