Weekly Case

Title : Case 894

Age / Sex : 69 / M

Chief complaints : 허리통증. 힘이 빠지고 저리고 양 발바닥이 유리 박힌 듯이 아프다. 왼쪽이 더 심함.

What is your diagnosis?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy : 정혜원 (Hye Won, Chung), 서울아산병원 (Asan Medical Center)


aggressive vertebral hemangioma with ED extension


Elongated T2 high signal and enhancing lesion at left side of epidural space at the level of T7-L1 with left paravertebral extension (arrows on axial images) along the neural foramen, resulting in right side deviation of thecal sac and cord compression
Multiple vertebral body hemangiomas at T8-L1 ==> R/O vertebral body hemangiomas with epidural extension

Pathological finding after ED mass excision: cavernous hemangioma

1. 근골격영상의학 2판, Chapter 29. 척추종양 p1060~1061
2. Imaging features and atypical signs of symptomatic vertebral haemangioma: a retrospective single-centre analysis of 118 patients. Zhang L, Wang B, Han S, et al. Br J Radiol. 2021 May 1;94(1121):20201250

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